To ,
The Boy Who Didn't Believe Me
21st January, 2022
Sub:- Regarding your comment: “On today's episode of things that never happened" on my previous Instagram post.
Dear getmeawaifu,
You seem to not believe in hypocrisy or sexism. Your Instagram bio states "In this world only suffering exists", yet you dismiss the sufferings of women without a blink. Congratulations on proving yourself to be both a sexist and a hypocrite.
The experiences I've stated in that article are a straw in a haystack. I've got a billion haystacks filled with experiences of women who've seen and experienced misogyny. So much so that you cannot fathom going through any of them.
And these things you claim have never happened--we hide these things. We hide them because we're afraid the world won't believe us. We hide them because we're afraid the society might blame us. We hide them while wanting to get them out so badly because we're worried that there are others like us. And when we finally do get them out, it is people like you who remind us why we were hiding them all along.
I started this newsletter to show the things people are blind to. To talk about the things people are ignorant to. To raise awareness on the things that people are de-sensitized to. I started this newsletter to change the world. I'm not going to stop because you cannot comprehend the reality.
And if you keep this act up, the only waifu you're getting is your own left hand--unless you're a right hand guy.
Stop giving me more reasons to write articles you won't believe in.
A feminist, not gazing, but glaring at your comment 💗
P.S. Here’s the link to the Instagram page.
Made the list of the most awesome comebacks i have ever seen👏